Cheerleaders will need to purchase a game uniform (not included in the registration fee). In 2023, the uniform will include a mandatory shell ($53.99) and skirt ($49.99). An optional crop top/undershirt can be purchased ($24.99). If a crop top is not purchased, a black shirt of a similar fabric can be worn. Each cheerleader will be responsible for having their own black shorts to wear under their skirt as well as white cheering shoes. SJT will provide 2 hair bows. One will be maroon and gold. The other will be pink and will be worn during October in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
A warm up suit will be loaned to each cheerleader for use during the season. Warm Ups will be handed out the first week of practice and collected at the end of the season; usually at the end of season banquet.
The game uniform for 2023 will be $104 (shell and skirt) . A optional crop top can also be purchased for $24.99. These costs are in addition to the registration fee.
Cheerleaders can provide their own black shirt instead of the optional crop trop if they choose. They will also need their own black shorts and cheering sneakers.
There is no cost for use of a warm up suit. The suit is loaned to a cheerleader for the season and must be returned at the end of the season.
Cheering bows will be provided at no cost.
Contact Kim Goodale with your cheerleader’s size ASAP so their uniform can be ordered. All items will distributed.
Cheerleaders should wear shorts, a t-shirt and white sneakers to practice. Cheerleaders should also bring a water bottle labeled with their name.
Practices for the season will be determined prior to the expected August start.
In year's past, practices have been twice per week from 5:30pm to 7:30pm. The first practice will take place around the second week in August at Thornton Academy. In September, practices will likely move indoors to the Saco Rec and/or the stage in the Thornton Academy gymnasium.
Games will likely start the first weekend in September. Game schedules will be distributed as soon as they are available.
Grades 2-6 will cheer for all home games which are usually scheduled on Saturdays. Grades 7 & 8 will cheer for all home and away games which are usually scheduled on Sundays.
Volunteers are always welcome! Parent coaches are needed. (NO cheering experiencing needed). Team parents are needed for younger teams.
Contact Kim Goodale if you would like to volunteer.